Unit of power is:
1. Kilowatt
2. Kilowatt-hour
3. Dyne
4. Joule
The density of wood is 0.5gm/cc in the CGS system of units. The corresponding value in MKS units is :
1. 500
2. 5
3. 0.5
4. 5000
Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii
1. Micron
2. Millimetre
3. Angstrom
4. Fermi
Mach number is equal to one when velocity of object is equal to:
1. Velocity of light
2. Velocity of sound (332 m/sec)
3. 1 km/sec
4. 1 m/sec
Volt/metre is the unit of
1. Potential
2. Work
3. Force
4. Electric field intensity
The unit of self inductance of a coil is
1. Farad
2. Henry
3. Weber
4. Tesla
Henry/ohm can be expressed in
1. Second
2. Coulomb
3. Mho
4. Metre
The velocity of a particle depends upon as v=a+bt+ct2; if the velocity is in m/sec, the unit of a will be
1. m/sec
2. m/sec2
3. m2/sec
4. m/sec3
One million electron volt (1 MeV) is equal to
1. 105eV
2. 106eV
3. 104eV
4. 107eV
Erg−m−1 can be the unit of measure for
1. Force
2. Momentum
3. Power
4. Acceleration