Which is the correct unit for measuring nuclear radii
1. Micron
2. Millimetre
3. Angstrom
4. Fermi
Mach number is equal to one when velocity of object is equal to:
1. Velocity of light
2. Velocity of sound (332 m/sec)
3. 1 km/sec
4. 1 m/sec
Volt/metre is the unit of
1. Potential
2. Work
3. Force
4. Electric field intensity
The unit of self inductance of a coil is
1. Farad
2. Henry
3. Weber
4. Tesla
Henry/ohm can be expressed in
1. Second
2. Coulomb
3. Mho
4. Metre
The velocity of a particle depends upon as v=a+bt+ct2; if the velocity is in m/sec, the unit of a will be
1. m/sec
2. m/sec2
3. m2/sec
4. m/sec3
One million electron volt (1 MeV) is equal to
1. 105eV
2. 106eV
3. 104eV
4. 107eV
Erg−m−1 can be the unit of measure for
1. Force
2. Momentum
3. Power
4. Acceleration
Which of the following represents a volt :
1. Joule/second
2. Watt/Ampere
3. Watt/Coulomb
4. Coulomb/Joule
Kilowatt−hour is a unit of
1. Electrical charge
2. Energy
3. Power
4. Force