Which of the following statements is false regarding the properties of electromagnetic waves?

1. Both electric and magnetic field vectors attain the maxima and minima at the same place and the same time
2. The energy in an electromagnetic wave is divided equally between electric and magnetic vectors 
3. Both electric and magnetic field vectors are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave
4. These waves do not require any material medium for propagation

Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |
NEET - 2010

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An electromagnetic wave is propagating along Y-axis. Then:

(1) The oscillating electric field is along X-axis and the oscillating magnetic field is along Y-axis.

(2) The oscillating electric field is along Z-axis and the oscillating magnetic field is along X-axis.

(3) Both oscillating electric and magnetic fields are along Y-axis, but the phase difference between them is 90°

(4) Both oscillating electric and magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular in arbitrary directions.

Subtopic:  Maxwell's Equations |

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In a plane E.M. wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of 2.5 ×1010 Hz and amplitude 480 V/m.  The amplitude of the oscillating magnetic field will be:

(1) 1.52×10-8 Wb/m2

(2) 1.52×10-7 Wb/m2

(3) 1.6×10-6 Wb/m2

(4) 1.6×10-7 Wb/m2

Subtopic:  Maxwell's Equations |

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The charge of a parallel plate capacitor is varying as q=q0 sin ωt.  Then find the magnitude of displacement current through the capacitor.  (Plate Area = A, separation of plates = d)

(1) q0 cos(ωt)                      (2) q0ω sin ωt

(3) q0ω cos ωt                     (4) q0Aωdcos ωt

Subtopic:  Displacement Current |

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The most penetrating radiation out of the following is:
1. \(X\text-\)rays
2. \(\beta\text-\)rays
3. \(\alpha\text-\)rays
4. \(\gamma\text-\)rays

Subtopic:  Electromagnetic Spectrum |

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The direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave is the same as that of (Here E=electric field vector and B=magnetic field vector):

(1) E×B

(2) B×E

(3) E

(4) B

Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |

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The rate of change of the voltage of a parallel plate capacitor if the instantaneous displacement current of 1 A is established between the two plates of a 1 μF parallel plate capacitor:

(1) 106 V/s                (2) 10 V/s

(3) 108 V/s                (4) 10-6 V/s

Subtopic:  Displacement Current |

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The energy density of the electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given by the relation

(1) 12.E2ε0+B22μ0                 (2) 12ε0E2+12μ0B2

(3) E2+B2C                           (4) 12ε0E2+B22μ0

Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |

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The relation between electric field E and magnetic field induction B in an electromagnetic waves

(1) E=μ0ε0 B                     (2) E = cB

(3) E = Bc                                (4) E=Bc2

Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |

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Out of the following options which one can be used to produce a propagating electromagnetic wave?

1. A stationary charge               2. A chargeless particle

3. An accelerating charge          4. A charge moving at constant velocity

Subtopic:  Properties of EM Waves |
NEET - 2016

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To unlock all the explanations of 14 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.