Out of the following options which one can be used to produce a propagating electromagnetic wave?
1. A stationary charge 2. A chargeless particle
3. An accelerating charge 4. A charge moving at constant velocity
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The velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a medium of permittivity and permeability is given by
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Which of the following statements about electromagnetic waves is/are correct:
(A) X-rays in vacuum travel faster than light waves in vacuum.
(B) The energy of an X-ray photon is greater than that of a light photon.
(C) Light can be polarised but X-ray cannot.
(1) A and B
(2) B and C
(3) A, B and C
(4) B only
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An electromagnetic wave going through the vacuum is described by
Which is the following is/are independent of the wavelength?
(1) k (2) (3) (4)
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The energy of the EM wave is of the order of 15 KeV. To which part of the spectrum does it belong?
1. X-rays
2. Infrared rays
3. Ultraviolet rays
4. -rays
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The relation between electric field E and magnetic field induction B in an electromagnetic waves
(1) (2) E = cB
(3) E = (4)
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The energy density of the electromagnetic wave in vacuum is given by the relation
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
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The rate of change of the voltage of a parallel plate capacitor if the instantaneous displacement current of 1 A is established between the two plates of a 1 F parallel plate capacitor:
(1) (2) 10 V/s
(3) (4)
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The direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave is the same as that of (Here =electric field vector and =magnetic field vector):
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