Identify the “vulnerable species in India”:
1. Berberis nilghiriensis and Sus salvanius
2. Bentickia nicobarica and Ailurus fulgens
3. Cupressus cashmeriana and Antilope cervicapra
4. Bentickia nicobarica and Antilope cervicapra

Subtopic:  Loss of Biodiversity |

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The first National Park established in India, the place where project tiger was started in 1972, is in:

1.Madhya Pradesh2.Kerala
3.West Bengal4.Uttarakhand

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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The last natural refuge of the Manipur brow antlered deer (Cervus eldi eldi), locally called sangai - the dancing deer of Manipur is the floating national park called:
1. Keoladeo national park
2. Keibul Lamjao National Park
3. Khangchendzonga National Park
4. Campbell Bay National Park

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. Kaziranga national park - one horned rhinoceros
2. Keoladeo national park - siberian cranes
3. Dachigam national park - hangul or kashmiri stag
4. Manas national park - great Indian bustard

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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MAB stands for:
1. Marine Algal Biology
2. Manmade Air Banks
3. Man and Biosphere
4. Mother and Baby welfare scheme

Subtopic:  Introduction & Types |

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In a biosphere reserve, active cooperation with local people is established in the:

1.Natural zone2.Core zone
3.Buffer zone4.Transition zone

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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The first biosphere reserves established in India was:

3.Gulf of Mannar4.Sunderbans

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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Khecheopalri lake in Sikkim is a:
1. Biosphere reserve
2. National park
3. Sacred lake
4. Inhibited area

Subtopic:  Ex Situ Conservation of Biodiversity |

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The most effective means of conservation is to:
1. remove predators
2. preserve habitats
3. vaccinate against diseases
4. census the species during the breeding season

Subtopic:  Loss of Biodiversity |

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Species most vulnerable to extinction from human activities are those with:
1. low carrying capacities
2. high population growth rates
3. large niches
4. many natural predators

Subtopic:  Loss of Biodiversity |

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