The hepatopancreatic ampulla [ampulla of Vater] is formed by the union of common bile duct with the:
1. hepatic duct
2. pancreatic duct
3. cystic duct
4. common hepatic duct

Subtopic:  Peristalsis: Gland in Alimentary Canal |

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The presence of stones in the gallbladder is referred to as:
1. cholecystitis
2. cholecystectomy
3. cholelithiasis
4. cholesterol calculi

Subtopic:  Disorders of Digestive System |

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After digestion, monoglycerides and fatty acids associate with bile salts and phopholipids to form:
1. chylomicrons
2. micelles
3. globules
4. lipoproteins

Subtopic:  Absorption: Part 2 |

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Maximum enzyme activity will be seen in:
1. duodenum
2. stomach
3. oral cavity
4. ileum

Subtopic:  Movement of Food in Gut |

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The shortest part of the human intestine is the:
1. transverse colon
2. duodenum
3. descending colon
4. jejunum

Subtopic:  Movement of Food in Gut |

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What is incorrect regarding saliva in humans?

1. The concentration of electrolytes, potassium and bicarbonate, are higher than in plasma
2. It contains antibacterial compounds like thiocynate lysozyme
3. Lingual lipase has a pH optimum of around 6.8 and is functional in oral cavity
4. Water is the largest constituent of saliva

Subtopic:  Digestive Secretions: Saliva |

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What are broken down in the liver or muscle cells to release fatty acids and glycerol?
1. micelles
2. chylomicrons
3. lipopolysaccharide
4. lipoproteins

Subtopic:  Absorption: Part 2 |

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Small intestine can readily absorb all the following except:
1. Na+
2. Cl-
3. K+
4. Mg++

Subtopic:  Absorption: Part 1 |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
1. caries--tooth decay
2. gingivitis--inflammation of the gums
3. heartburn--stomach acid in the esophagus
4. mumps--viral infection of the sublingual glands

Subtopic:  Disorders of Digestive System |

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A peptide hormone that stimulates secretion of gastric acid (HCl) by the parietal cells of the stomach and aids in gastric motility is:
1. GIP
2. gastrin
3. secretin
4. CCK

Subtopic:  Gastric Secretions |

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