Study the Column-I,II, and III select the correct option by referring given code 
Neutrophils a phagocytic
Eosinophils 3% b
c 25-33% Synthesis of antibodies
Basophils 0-5% d
a b c d
1. 54-62% Secrete antihistamine Lymphocytes Secrete heparin
2. 43-49% Secrete Histamine Monocytes Phagocytic
3. 30-38% Phagocytic Platelets Non-phagocytic
4. 20-25% Non-phagocytic Erythrocytes Non-phagocytic

Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells |
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Select the correct match
Column-I Column-II
(a) Fetal erythropoiesis (i) Lymphocyte
(b) Scavenger (ii) Synthesized in liver and spleen
(c) Basophil (iii) Fibrinogen and prothrombin
(d) Plasma proteins (iv) Phagocyte
(v) Red bone marrow of adults
1. (d)-(iii)
2. (a)-(v)
3. (b)-(i)
4. (v)-(iv) 

Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |
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Given below is a diagram of blood smear. Select the correct option which mentions the functions of 'x' and name of 'y'
Function Name
1. x-phagocytosis; y-Neutrophil
2. x-cell mediated immunity y-Basophil
3. x-phagocytosis y-Eosinophil
4. x-secretion of serotonin; y-monocyte
Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells |
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Match the type of blood cells in column I respective structure in column II and function and column III and select the correct option given below 
Column I Column II Column III
(I) Erythrocytes (A) Spherical large cells, nucleus with many lobes (L) Clotting of blood
(II) Neutrophils (B) Cellular fragments small, oval shaped (M) Humoral and cell medicated immunity
(III) Lymphocytes (C) Spherical nucleus, agranular cytoplasm (N) Transport of gases \(O_2\) and \(CO_2\)
(IV) Thrombocytes (D) Enucleated, bioconcave circular in shape (O) Phagocytic in function

1. (I)-(D)-(L), (II)-(C)-(N), (III)-(A)-(O), (IV)-(B)-(M)
2. (I)-(A)-(O), (II)-(C)-(N), (III)-(B)-(L), (IV)-(D)-(M)
3. (I)-(D)-(N), (II)-(A)-(O), (III)-(C)-(M), (IV)-(B)-(L)
4. (I)-(B)-(O), (II)-(D)-(M), (III)-(C)-(N), (IV)-(A)-(L)
Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |
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Which one of the following groups is called 'formed elements' of blood in human beings? 
1. Dissolved gases \(O_2, CO_2, NO_2\)
2. Plasma Proteins Albumin, globin, prothrombin
3. Blood cells Erythrocytes, leucocytes, platelets
4. Inorganic salts \(Na^+, K^+, Mg^{++}, HCO^-_3, Cl^-\)
Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |
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Please attempt this question first.

Select the incorrect match with respect to transport of material in living organisms 
1. Cyclosis Amoeba and paramecium
2. Parenchymal circulation White blood cells and root hair cells of plant
3. Body cavities Sponges
4. Extracellular transport Round worms
Subtopic:  Circulatory Pathways |
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Identify type of blood corpuscles A and B in the given diagram and select the correct option indicating names with their respective characteristics
1. Erythrocyte-500-1100 per mm3 helps in transport of gases Megakaryocyte-produced in liver, form fragments called platelets 
2. Thrombocyte-Stains with basic stain non-phagocytic, formed from macrophages Basophil-helps in coagulation of blood
3. Neutrophils- Polymorphonuclear cell, phagocytic in nature Lymphocytes- Agranuclocyte, constitutes 25%to 35% of total WBCs 
4. Eosinophil- Constitutes about 1 to 3% of total number of WBCs its number increases in allergic conditions Monocytes- actively motile differentiates into macrophages and destroys bacteria by phagocytes

Subtopic:  Blood: White Blood Cells |
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Please attempt this question first.

Fluids from 'A' enters into lymphatic vessels from where it is finally discharged through thoracic duct
and right lymphatic duct into 'B' 
'A' 'B'
1. Intracellular spaces of muscles Arterioles
2. Intercellular spaces of body tissues Veins
3. Body cavities Venules
4. Pelvis of kidney Arteries

Subtopic:  Lymph |
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Please attempt this question first.

"Venous heart" is present in 'A' and it carries 'B' type of blood
'A' 'B'
1. Cockroach Both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
2. Fishes Deoxygenated
3. Invertebrates Oxygenated 
4. All vertebrates Oxygenated

Subtopic:  Circulatory Pathways |
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Match the conducting tissues of heart in Column-I with their respective location given in column II and select the correct option given below
Column-I Column-II
(a) SAN (i) Interventricular septum
(b) AVN (ii) At the base of opening vena cava
(c) Purkinje fibers (iii) Right atrial wall near base of interatrial septum
(d) Bundle of His (iv) Network located in right and left ventricular walls
1. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(iv) 
2. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i) 
3. (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
4. (a)-(iv), (b)-(iii), (c)-(i), (d)-(ii)  

Subtopic:  Rhythmic Excitation of Human Heart: Part 1 |
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