Using the genotypic symbols Y for dominant yellow seed colour and y for recessive green seed colour, R for round shaped seeds and r for wrinkled seed shape, when a plant with genotype RrYy is self-hybridized, the proportion of progeny with yellow seeds is expected to be:
1. 9/16
2. 3/16
3. 3/4
4. 1/4

Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
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Please attempt this question first.

This type of inheritance pattern for the trait shown in the given pedigree most likely is: 

1. Autosomal Dominant
2. Autosomal Recessive
3. X-linked Dominant
4. X linked recessive
Subtopic:  Pedigree Analysis: Basics |
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Please attempt this question first.

Three Scientists independently rediscovered Mendel’s results on the inheritance of characters in 1900. They were:
1. Avery–MacLeod–McCarty
2. de Vries, Correns and von Tschermak
3. Nirenberg, Mathei, Khorana
4. Paul Berg, Boyer and Cohen
Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.


That the pairing and separation of a pair of chromosomes would lead to the segregation of a pair of factors they carried is the argument that formed the basis for:
1. the Law of Independent Assortment.
2. the concept of Linkage
3. the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
4. the One Gene One Enzyme hypothesis.
Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Introduction |
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Please attempt this question first.

Consider the two statements:  
Statement I: The fruit fly is a popular choice as a model organism in genetics.
Statement II: It has a very long generation time and low fecundity (females lay only a few eggs in life time).
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
3. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Further Considerations |
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Please attempt this question first.

When the two genes in a dihybrid cross were situated on the same chromosome:
1. the proportion of parental gene combinations were much lower than the non-parental type.
2. the proportion of parental gene combinations were much higher than the non-parental type.
3. the proportion of parental gene combinations were equal to the non-parental type.
4. only the parental gene combinations were seen in the progeny.
Subtopic:  Linkage |
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Please attempt this question first.


Regarding the law of independent assortment:
Statement I: Because of independent assortment and dominance, the 9:3:3:1 dihybrid phenotypic ratio can be collapsed into two 3:1 ratios, characteristic of any monohybrid cross that follows a dominant and recessive pattern.
Statement II: The law of independent assortment also indicates that a cross between yellow, wrinkled (YYrr) and green, round (yyRR) parents would yield the same F1 and F2 offspring as in the YYRR x yyrr cross.
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
3. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
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Please attempt this question first.

The number of offspring genotypes and phenotypes are expected in a trihybrid cross between parents heterozygous for all three traits, assuming independent assortment and complete dominance?
1. 64 genotypes; 16 phenotypes
2. 16 genotypes; 64 phenotypes
3. 8 genotypes; 27 phenotypes
4. 27 genotypes; 8 phenotypes
Subtopic:  Conclusion |
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Consider the given two statements:
Statement I: Besides the involvement of multiple genes polygenic inheritance also takes into account the influence of environment.
Statement II: In a polygenic trait the phenotype reflects the contribution of each allele, i.e., the effect of each allele is additive.
1. Statement I is correct; Statement II is correct
2. Statement I is correct; Statement II is incorrect
3. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is correct
4. Statement I is incorrect; Statement II is incorrect
Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |
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Please attempt this question first.


When a single gene can exhibit multiple phenotypic expression, the gene is said to be:
1. showing phenotypic plasticity
2. polygenic
3. pleiotropic
4. polymorphic
Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |
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Please attempt this question first.