The root of a particular plant is unable to perform its prime function of absorption of minerals and water. Which of the following regions is impaired in the root system?
1. Region of maturation
2. Region of elongation
3. Region of meristematic activity
4. Root cap
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Subtopic: Morphology of Roots |
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Which of the following pairs shows the stem modifications in the form of stolon and offset respectively?
1. Eichhornia and Pineapple
2. Jasmine and Pistia
3. Grasses and banana
4. Chrysanthemum and mint
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Subtopic: Modifications of Stem |
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Select the plant that is characterized with the presence of
A. Monadelphous stamen
B. Axile placentation
C. Alternate phyllotaxy
D. Superior ovary
E. Twisted aestivation
1. Pea
2. Argemone
3. China rose
4. Mustard
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Subtopic: Inflorescence | Flower & Parts of Flower |
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What will happen if the main axis of the shoot terminates into a flower?
1. Solitary flower will be produced
2. Flowers will be arranged in acropetal succession
3. Flowers arrangement would be racemose
4. The older flowers would be at the base
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