Pick the odd pair out.
(1) Porifera : choanoflagellates
(2) Cnidaria : nematocysts
(3) Nematoda : pseudocoelom
(4) Mollusca : torsion
Chitin is a polysaccharide found in the exoskeleton of
(1) prawn
(2) insects
(3) crabs
(4) all of these
Which of these is not a coelenterate?
(1) Sea pen
(2) Sea fur
(3) Sea anemone
(4) Sea lily
Protonephridia are the excretory structures present in
(1) Planaria
(2) roundworm
(3) tapeworm
(4) Both 1 and 3
Carapace is present can be observed in
(1) Hemidactylus
(2) Testudo
(3) Naja
(4) Bufo
Closed circulatory system is not found in
(1) octopus
(2) tunicates
(3) echinoderms
(4) squids
Polyp phase is absent in the life cycle of:
(1) Hydra
(2) Hormiphora
(3) Pennatula
(4) Physalia
Which of the following is a fish?
(1) Flying fish
(2) Jelly fish
(3) Devil fish
(4) Star fish
Which of the following is not an annelid?
1. Leech
2. Earhtworm
3. Sea mouse
4. Sea cucumber
Buoyancy in a bony fish is maintained with the help of
(1) streamlined body
(2) paired fins
(3) swim bladder
(4) all the above