'Bundle of His' is a part of which one of the following organs in humans?
1. Heart
2. Kidney
3. Pancreas
4. Brain
Which one of the following has an open circulatory system?
1. Pheretima
2. Periplaneta
3. Hirudinaria
4. Octopus
In the foetus, the ductus arteriosus connects the
1. pulmonary vein with pulmonary artery
2. pulmonary artery with aorta
3. pulmonary vein with aorta
4. pulmonary artery with vena cava
Which of the following is known as Christmas factor?
1. factor VIII
2. factor XII
3. factor IV
4. factor IX
Erythrocyte maturing factor is
1. folic acid
2. cyanocobalamin
3. vitamin B2
4. vitamin C
A human RBC is placed in 1.5% salt solution. It will
1. swell up
2. shrink
3. remain unaffected
4. burst
All veins carry deoxygenated blood except
1. pulmonary vein
2. hepatic vein
3. hepatic portal vein
4. renal vein
Which one of the following is a matching pair of a certain body feature and its
value/count in a normal human adult?
1. Urea -5-10 mg/100 ml of blood
2. Blood sugar (fasting) - 80-100 mg/100 ml
3. Total blood volume - 3 - 4 litres
4. ESR in Wintrobe method -9-15 mm in males and 20-34 mm in females
Which one of the following is a matching pair?
1. Lubb sharp closure of AV valves at the beginning of ventricular systole
2. Dup - sudden opening of semilunar valves at the beginning of ventricular diastole
3. Pulsation of the radial artery - valves in the blood vessels
4. Initiation of the heart beat Purkinje fibres
Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, red meat and eggs for a long period may
lead to:
1. vitamin toxicity
2. kidney stones
3. hypercholesterolemia
4. urine laden with kidney stones