Unit of magnetic moment is
1. Ampere−metre2
2. Ampere−metre
3. Weber−metre2
4. Weber/metre
Curie is a unit of
1. Energy of γ-rays
2. Half life
3. Radioactivity
4. Intensity of γ-rays
Hertz is the unit of
1. Frequency
2. Force
3. Electric charge
4. Magnetic flux
One pico Farad is equal to
1. 10−24F
2. 10−18F
3. 10−12F
4. 10−6F
In SI, Henry is the unit of
1. Self inductance
2. Mutual inductance
3. (1) and (2) both
4. None of the above
The unit of e.m.f. is
1. Joule
2. Joule-Coulomb
3. Volt–Coulomb
4. Joule/Coulomb
Unit of self inductance is [This question includes concepts from 12th syllabus]
1. Newton-secondCoulomb×Ampere
2. Joule/Coulomb×SecondAmpere
3. Volt×metreCoulomb
4. Newton×metreAmpere
To determine Young's modulus of a wire, the formula is Y=FA×LΔL; where L = length, A = area of cross-section of the wire, ΔL=change in length of the wire when stretched with a force F. The conversion factor to change it from CGS to MKS system is
1. 1
2. 10
3. 0.1
4. 0.01
Young's modulus of a material has the same units as
1. Pressure
2. Strain
3. Compressibility
4. Force
One yard in SI units is equal :
1. 1.9144 metre
2. 0.9144 metre
3. 0.09144 kilometre
4. 1.0936 kilometre