According to Born-Haber's cycle, the enthalpy of the formation of ionic compounds can be determined. The formation of NaCl involves the following steps :

(I) \(Na(s)\xrightarrow[Energy \ of \ sublimation]{S} \ Na(g)\)     

(II) \(Na(g)\xrightarrow[Ionisation \ potential]{I} \ Na^{+}(g) \ + \ e^{-}\)

(III) \(Cl_{2}(g)\xrightarrow[Bond \ dissociation \ energy]{D} \ 2Cl(g)\)

(IV) \(Cl(g) \ + e^{-}\xrightarrow[Electron \ affinity \ energy]{E} \ Cl^{-}(g)\)

 (V) \(Cl^{-}(g) \ + Na^{+}(g)\xrightarrow[Lattice \ energy \ energy]{U} \ NaCl(s)\)

The enthalpy of formation of NaCl will be :

1. Hf=S+I-D2-E-U

2. Hf=S+I+D2-E-U

3. Hf=-S-I-D+E2+U

4. Hf=-S-I-D-E2-U

Subtopic:  Hess's Law |

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Which of the following is the least volatile?

1. HCN                     
2. HF        
3. H2O                     
4. CS2

Subtopic:  van der Waal Force & Hydrogen Bonding |

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A : Tetracyanomethane

B : Carbondioxide

C : Benzene

D : 1,3-Buta-di-ene

Ratio of σ and π bonds is in order :       

1. A = B < C < D           

2. A = B < D < C           

3. A = B = C = D           

4.  C < D < A < B

Subtopic:  Covalent Bond |

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The maximum number of 90° angles between bond pair-bond pair of electrons is observed in:

1.  sp3d2-hybridization.            

2.  sp3d-hybridization.

3.  dsp2-hybridization.             

4.  dsp3-hybridization.

Subtopic:  Hybridisation |

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The ion that has a trigonal planar shape is: 

1. SO32-

2. PO43-

3. CN-

4. CO32-

Subtopic:  Hybridisation | V.S.E.P.R & V.B.T |

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Which of the following molecules or ions is not linear ?               

1. BeCl2                 

2. ICl2-        

3. CS2                     

4. ICl2+

Subtopic:  V.S.E.P.R & V.B.T |

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Which reaction involves a change in the electron-pair geometry for the underlined atom?

1. BF3 +F-BF4- 

2. NH3+H+NH4+

3. 2SO2+O22SO3 

4. H2O+H+H3O+   

Subtopic:  V.S.E.P.R & V.B.T |

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The correct order of increasing s-character (in percentage) in the hybrid orbitals of following molecules/ion is :

(i) CO32-   (ii) XeF4     (iii) I3-       (iv) NCl3   (v) BeCl2

1.  ii < iii < iv < i < v

2. ii < iv < iii < v < i

3. iii < ii < i < v < iv        

4. ii < iv < iii < i < v

Subtopic:  Hybridisation |

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To unlock all the explanations of 20 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Which of the following condition show linear geometry (b.p. = Bond pair, I.p. = Lone pair) :

(a)  Molecule in which central atom show sp3d hybridisation and contain 3 b.p. and 2 l.p.

(b)  Any diatomic molecule

(c)  Tri-atomic molecule in which central atom has 2 l.p and 2σ b.p.

(d)  Molecule in which central atom has 2σ b.p. and 2π b.p. and contain no. l.p.

1. a, b                       2. b, d

3. a, c, d                   4. a, b, c, d

Subtopic:  V.S.E.P.R & V.B.T |

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Which is non-angular species :

1. I3+                2. ClO2-    

3. SO2              4. I3-  

Subtopic:  V.S.E.P.R & V.B.T |

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