The main reason for the success of the green revolution was:
1. Improvement in the efficiency of chemical pesticides
2. Improvement in irrigation facilities
3. Equitable distribution of land among farmers
4. Development of HYV varieties

Subtopic:  Impact: Green Revolution (OLD NCERT) | Plant Tissue Culture |

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Conventional breeding is often constrained by the availability of a limited number of disease-resistance genes that are present and identified in various crop varieties or wild relatives. This is most commonly overcome by:

1. Inducing mutations 2. Somaclonal variations
3. Genetic engineering 4. Plant introduction
Subtopic:  Impact: Green Revolution (OLD NCERT) |

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PusaSem 2, a variety of flat bean, is resistant to all the following pests except:

1. Aphids 2. Jassids
3. Fruit borer 4. Bollworm
Subtopic:  Insect & Pest Resistance (OLD NCERT) |

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The algae Spirulina, Chlorella and the microbe Methylophilus methylotrophus can be used as a source of:

1. Vitamin A and C 2. Minerals like calcium
3. Single Cell Protein 4. Omega 3 fatty acids
Subtopic:  Single Cell Protein (OLD NCERT) |

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The best method for producing plants free of viruses will be:

1. Meristem culture 2. Embryo culture
3. Somatic embryogenesis 4. Somatic hybridization
Subtopic:  Plant Tissue Culture |

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Several South Indian states raise 2-3 crops of rice annually. The agronomic feature that makes this possible is because of

1. shorter rice plant

2. better irrigation facilities

3. early yielding rice variety

4. disease-resistant rice variety

Subtopic:  Plant Breeding for Quality (OLD NCERT) |

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Which one of the following combinations would a sugarcane farmer look for in the sugarcane crop?

1. Thick stem, long internodes, high sugar content, and disease resistant
2. Thick stem, high sugar content, and profuse flowering
3. Thick stem, short internodes, high sugar content, disease resistant
4. Thick stem, low sugar content, disease resistant
Subtopic:  Plant Breeding for Quality (OLD NCERT) |

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Arrange the following steps of a plant breeding program in a correct chronological manner:

I. Selection and testing of superior recombinants
II. Collection of variability
III. Cross hybridisation among the selected parents
IV. Evaluation and selection of parents
V. Testing, release, and commercialisation of new cultivars
1. II, IV, I, III, V 2. IV, I, II, III, V
3. II, IV, III, I, V 4. IV, III, II, I, V
Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) |

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Which of the following is not correctly matched?

1. Green revolution - A significant increase in agricultural productivity resulting from the introduction of high-yield varieties of grains, the use of pesticides, and improved management techniques.
2. White revolution – Also called as Operation Flood, it refers to a significant increase in milk production which made India the largest milk producer in the world.
3. Blue revolution - Management of water resources that can steer humanity to achieve drinking water and crop irrigation security.
4. Pisciculture - The farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish, and even plants.
Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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Hisardale is a new breed of:

1. Sheep developed by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams.
2. Sheep developed by crossing Bikaneri rams and Marino ewes.
3. Goat developed by crossing Bikaneri ewes and Marino rams.
4. Goat developed by crossing Bikaneri rams and Marino ewes.
Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.