Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained by:
1. mating of related individuals of same breed.
2. mating of unrelated individuals of same breed.
3. mating of individuals of different breed.
4. mating of individuals of different species.

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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The agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock is called:

1. Domestication 2. Breeding
3. Animal husbandry 4. Bio-fortification
Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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A group of animals related by descent and similar in most characteristics like general appearance, features, size, configuration, etc., are said to belong to a:

1. Variety 2. Species
3. Strain 4. Breed

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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Which of the following is not an advantage of artificial insemination in cattle?

1. Increased efficiency of bull usage
2. Increased genetic variability in the population
3. Increased potential for genetic selection
4. Reduced disease transmission

Subtopic:  Animal Husbandry (OLD NCERT) |

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The purposeful manipulation of plant species in order to create desired plant types that are better suited for cultivation, give better yields, and are disease resistant is called:

1. Breeding 2. Genetic farming
3. Phytoremediation 4. r DNA technology
Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) |

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A pure line plant:

1. is defined as having only recessive alleles for the traits at all loci
2. breeds true and preserves the trait for many generations
3. is not susceptible to any diseases and is used as a parent in plant breeding experiments
4. can be produced by inbreeding amongst the endemic varieties only
Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) |

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The sobriquet ‘Father of Green Revolution’ is used for:

1. Norman Borlaug 2. M. S. Swaminathan
3. Gordon Conway 4. Elvin Stakman
Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) | Impact: Green Revolution (OLD NCERT) |

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Hidden hunger is accurately described as:
1. protein undernutrition
2. calorie undernutrition
3. vitamins and minerals undernutrition
4. PEM

Subtopic:  Single Cell Protein (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

Plant tissue culture is based on:

1.cellular totipotency2.indeterminate growth
3.phenotypic plasticity4.secondary growth

Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) |

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Consider the given two statements:

I: Somatic hybridization and cybridization have great potential for plant improvement.
II: Somatic hybridization through protoplast fusion provides the ability to combine parent genes in higher plants to overcome sexual incompatibility among plant species or genera.

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
3. I is correct but II is incorrect
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  Plant Breeding & Its Steps (OLD NCERT) |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.