Which of the following statements is incorrect?
1. Life processes are consequences of reactions that occur in an organism.
2. Living organisms are made of inorganic and organic compounds.
3. Life comes from pre-existing life.
4. Genes are not responsible for the stability or changeability of species.
Which of the following theory is dismissed by Louis Pasteur's Experiment?
(1) Theory of panspermia
(2) Theory of spontaneous generation
(3) Theory of special creation
(4) Catastrophic theory
According to theory of special creation which one is wrong?
(1) All living organisms were created as such
(2) Diversity was same since the creation.
(3) Diversity will increase as the changes in the environment come.
(4) The Earth is about 4000 years ago.
Theory of spontaneous generation of life was conclusively disproved by:
1. Francesco Redi
2. Oparin and Haldane
3. Louis Pasteur
4. Eldredge and Gould