Selection of recombinants is based on all except one. Find out the exception

(1) Expression and non-expression of genes encoding for tetracycline-resistant compound

(2) Expression and non-expression of genes encoding for insulin-resistant compound

(3) Expression and non-expression of genes encoding for ampicillin-resistant compound

(4) Insertional inactivation

Subtopic:  Selection of Recombinant Transformants |
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Please attempt this question first.

When recombinant DNA is inserted within the coding sequence of an enzyme β-galactosidase. This results in the following except

1. Insertional inactivation

2. Recombinant colonies do not produce any color

3. Inactivation of enzyme

4. Chromogenic substrate is converted into product by recombinant colonies

Subtopic:  Selection of Recombinant Transformants |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which one is considered as molecular glue in recombinant DNA technology?

1. Endonuclease

2. DNA ligase

3. Polymerase

4. Alkaline phosphatase

Subtopic:  Restriction Enzymes - Main Enzymes |
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Which of the following carries a natural plasmid that can most effectively and exclusively be used in transforming plant cell only?

(1) Meloidogyne incognita

(2) Bacillus thuringiensis

(3) Agrobacterium tumifaciens

(4) Escherichia coil

Subtopic:  Separation and Isolation of DNA fragments |
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Please attempt this question first.

The vector used to transfer gene to produce pest resistant tobacco plant is

(1) pBR 322        

(2) pUC 18

(3) Ti plasmid    

(4) λ phage

Subtopic:  Cloning Vector |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which of the following is/are not indirect method/ s of gene transfer?

a. Bacteriophages

b. Plasmids

c. Mobile genetic elements (transposons)

d. Chemical mediated gene transfer

e. Electroporation


(1) a & b              

(2) b & c

(3) d & e              

(4) c, d & e

Subtopic:  Transforming Plant & Animal Cell |
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Please attempt this question first.


Following enzymes/techniques are used in the process of recombinant DNA technology

a. EcoRl to cut the isolated genome

b. DNA ligase

c. Protease and ribonuclease for removal of proteins and RNA from DNA

d. Production of recombinant hosts

e. Lysozyme for isolation of the genetic material (DNA)

f. Gel electrophoresis for separation and isolation of DNA fragments

Mark the correct sequence of their use

(1) c, e, b, f, a, d               

(2) e, c, a, b, f, d

(3) e, c, a, f, b, d

(4) a, e, c, b, d, f

Subtopic:  General Design of an rDNA experiment |
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Please attempt this question first.

Following are the steps in the formation of recombinant DNA by action of a restriction endonuclease. Which one of the given option incorrectly identifies the steps, components labelled as A, B, C, and D?

(1) A - Exonuclease cuts the DNA between bases G and A only when the sequence GAATTC is present in the DNA

(2) B - Sticky ends are formed.

(3) C - The DNA fragments join at sticky ends by DNA ligase.

(4) D - Restriction enzyme Eco RI cuts the strand of DNA a little away from centre of the palindromic sites, but between the same two bases on the opposite strands

Subtopic:  Restriction Enzymes - Main Enzymes |
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Please attempt this question first.

Which of the following statements is incorrect with respect to polymerase chain reaction?

(1) Repeated amplification is achieved by the use of thermostable DNA polymerase

(2) Thermostable DNA polymerase is isolated from a bacterium, Thermus aquaticus

(3) Each cycle in PCR has three steps, first is primer annealing, second is denaturation and third is extension of primers

(4) In polymerase chain reaction, multiple copies of gene of interest are synthesized in vitro using two sets of primers and enzyme DNA polymerase

Subtopic:  Polymerase Chain Reaction: PCR |
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The figure below shows three steps (A, B, C) of polymersase chain reaction (PCR). Select the correct identification together with what it represents

1. B - Denaturation at a temperature of about 98°C separating the two DNA strands

2. A - Denaturation at a temperature of about 60°C

3. C - Extension in the presence of heat stable DNA polymerase

4. A - Annealing with two sets of primer

Subtopic:  Polymerase Chain Reaction: PCR |
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Please attempt this question first.