Nematode [Meloidogyne incognita] specific genes were transferred to tobacco plant using:

1. Retroviral vectors 2. Gene gun
3. Agrobacterium mediation 4. Micro-injection

Subtopic:  Other GM Crops |

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Corn borer can be controlled by the proteins encoded by Bacillus thuringiensis gene:

1. cryIAb 2. cryIAc
3. cryIIAb 4. cryIIIAc
Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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The name Genetic Engineering Approval Committee [GEAC] has been changed to:

1. Genetic Engineering Advisory Committee
2. Genetic Engineering Appellate Committee
3. Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
4. Genetic Engineering Arbitration Committee

Subtopic:  Ethical Issues |

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ELISA is based on the principle of:

1. Complementary hybridization of nucleic acids
2. Antigen-antibody interaction
3. Clonal selection
4. Southern blot

Subtopic:  Molecular Diagnosis |

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Transgenic mice are being used to test the safety of polio vaccine. They could replace the use of:

1. Monkeys 2. Rabbits
3. Fowl 4. Frogs
Subtopic:  Transgenic Microbes & Animals |

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The main challenge for production of insulin using rDNA techniques was:

1. to find a suitable host cell that can perform RNA splicing
2. isolation of a copy of gene from the human DNA
3. getting insulin assembled into a mature form
4. downstream processing

Subtopic:  Med Applications & Humulin |

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Alpha-1-antitrypsin was produced in a transgenic sheep, Tracy. This enzyme is used in the treatment of:

1. Emphysema 2. Rheumatoid arthritis
3. Ovarian cancer 4. Pancreatitis
Subtopic:  Transgenic Microbes & Animals |

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Gene therapy for ADA deficiency has been tried with the help of which of the following vectors?

1. Microinjection 2. Liposome
3. A bacterium 4. A retrovirus
Subtopic:  Gene Therapy |

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Identify the incorrect statement regarding the use of RNAi for creating transgenic tobacco plants resistant to Meloidogyne incognita:

1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens was used to transform the plant cells
2. Double-stranded RNA was introduced into the plant cells
3. Double-stranded RNA was formed in the plant cells that initiated RNAi
4. A specific mRNA of the nematode was silenced with the help of dsRNA

Subtopic:  Interference RNA Tech |

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Why does the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis not affected by the toxins produced by it that can kill arthropods?

1. The toxin inactivated by proteins in the bacterial cells.
2. The bacterial cell does not have organelles and thus it is harmless.
3. It is produced as a pro-toxin by the bacterium.
4. The protein needs post-transcriptional modification possible only in eukaryotic cells.

Subtopic:  Bt Crops |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.