Which of the following is a recessive trait in Pisum sativum?

1. Yellow pod color 2. Axial flower position
3. Inflated pod shape 4. Violet flower color

Subtopic:  Introduction to Genetics: 2 |

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A trait displays continuous phenotypic variation and is spread across a gradient. Usually, the inheritance of this trait can be described as:
1. dominant-recessive inheritance
2. multiple-allele inheritance
3. polygenic inheritance
4. sex-linked inheritance

Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |

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If Mendel might have studied 7 pairs of characters in a plant with 12 chromosomes instead of 14 then:

1. He could not discover an independent assortment
2. He might have discovered linkage
3. He might have discovered crossing over
4. He might have not observed dominance
Subtopic:  Introduction to Genetics: 2 |
AIPMT - 1998

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A gene is said to be dominant if:

1. It expresses its effect only in the homozygous stage
2. It expresses only in heterozygous condition
3. It expresses both in homozygous and heterozygous conditions
4. It is never expressed in any condition
Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: Further Understanding |
AIPMT - 2002

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Gynecomastia is an important clinical feature seen in individuals with:

1.Klinefelter's syndrome2.Turner’s syndrome
3.Oculocutaneous albinism4.Down’s syndrome

Subtopic:  Sex Aneuploidy - Turner & Klinefelter Syndrome |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

A human female who is not color blind but whose father was color blind marries a normal male. What proportion of their male progeny will have red-green color blindness?


Subtopic:  Pedigree Analysis: Problem Solving |

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The physiological basis of pleiotropy is:

1. lack of independent assortment in linked genes
2. separation of homologous chromosomes at anaphase I in meiosis I
3. dominance is not an autonomous feature of an allele
4. inter-relationships of many metabolic pathways in the living organisms
Subtopic:  Polygenic Inheritance & Pleiotropy |

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The progeny of a dihybrid test cross AaBb x aabb show the following genotypes: AaBb 160, Aabb 460, aaBb 440, aabb 140. The recombination frequency between the two loci is:

1. 12.5 % 25 %
3. 15 % 4. 30 %
Subtopic:  Recombination & Gene Mapping |

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Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism for the study of genetics. The advantages of this organism include all the following except:

1. A long life cycle
2. A large number of progeny produced by a single mating
3. Clear differentiation between sexes
4. Hereditary variation is easily seen with low-power microscopes

Subtopic:  Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance: Introduction |

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The number of types of gametes produced by a plant with the genotype AaBbCCDd will be:


Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross: Details |

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