In angiosperms:
1. Pollen grains are motile but the egg cell is non-motile.
2. Pollen grains are non-motile but the egg cell is motile.
3. Both pollen grain and egg cell are non-motile.
4. Both pollen grain and egg cell are motile.

Subtopic:  Pollination & Outbreeding Devices |

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Yucca plant is pollinated by:

1. Gecko lizard 2. Honey bees
3. Pronuba moth 4. Wind
Subtopic:  Pollination & Outbreeding Devices |

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The body of the ovule fuses with the funicle in the region called:

1. Chalaza
2. Micropyle
3. Hilum
4. Nucellus

Subtopic:  Pistil: Ovule |

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Division of functional megaspore can be described as:

1. Three free nuclear mitotic divisions.
2. One meiotic and two mitotic divisions, all free nuclear.
3. Three cytoplasmic mitotic divisions.
4. One meiotic and two mitotic divisions, meiotic being cytoplasmic and mitotic being free nuclear.

Subtopic:  Pistil: Ovule |

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Pollen tube, after reaching the ovary, enters the ovule through _______ and then enters one of the _____________ through filiform apparatus.

1.Chalaza; Synergids2.Micropyle; Antipodals
3.Micropyle; Synergids4.Chalaza; Antipodals

Subtopic:  Pistil: Ovule |

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Identify the incorrectly matched pair:

Cell    Ploidy
1. Cells of nucellus           Diploid
2. Megaspore mother cell      Haploid
3. Functional megaspore    Haploid
4. Cells of female gametophyte    haploid
Subtopic:  Pistil: Ovule | Pistil: Female Gametophyte |

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The correct sequence of layers in the wall of an anther from outside to inside is:

1. Tapetum – Middle Layers – Endothecium – Epidermis
2. Epidermis – Endothecium – Tapetum – Middle layers
3. Epidermis – Endothecium – Middle layers – Tapetum
4. Tapetum – Endothecium – Middle layers – Epidermis
Subtopic:  Stamen: Anther | Stamen: Microsporangium |

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Dioecy in flowering plants prevents:

1. Autogamy but not Geitonogamy
2. Geitonogamy but not Autogamy
3. Both Geitonogamy and Autogamy
4. Neither Geitonogamy nor Autogamy
Subtopic:  Pollination & Outbreeding Devices |

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Identify the plant pollinated by insects that, in many species, emit a scent of decaying flesh from the inflorescence, in order to attract insects:

1. Yucca 2. Amorphophallus
3. Zostera 4. Vallisneria
Subtopic:  Pollination & Outbreeding Devices |

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Filiform apparatus is associated with _____ and helps in _____________.
1. Syngergids; Nourishment of egg cells
2. Synergids; Guiding the pollen tube
3. Antipodals; Nourishment of egg cells
4. Antipodals; Guiding the pollen tube

Subtopic:  Pistil: Female Gametophyte |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.