Apocarpous gynoecium is seen in:

1. Lotus 2. Mustard
3. Papaver 4. Tomato

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The term that describes united sepals in a flower is:

1. Calyx 2. Perianth
3. Gamosepalous 4. Polysepalous
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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The placentation shown below will be seen in:

1. Argemone 2. Dianthus
3. Tomato 4. Sunflower
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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A parallel venation will be seen in the leaves of all the following plants except:

1. Wheat 2. Rice
3. Pea 4. Maize
Subtopic:  Venation, Types of Leaves & Phyllotaxy |

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Root hairs at the root tip are formed by:

1. Epidermal cells in the region of maturation
2. Cortical cells in the region of elongation
3. Epidermal cells in the region of elongation
4. Cortical cells in the region of maturation
Subtopic:  Morphology of Roots |

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Seed coat is membranous and generally fused with the fruit wall in:

1. Apple 2. Maize
3. Coconut 4. Castor
Subtopic:  Seed |

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In mango, the fruit is:

1. drupe and mesocarp is fleshy and edible
2. drupe and mesocarp is fibrous
3. berry and mesocarp is fleshy and edible
4. berry and mesocarp is fibrous
Subtopic:  Fruits & their Types |

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When sepals or petals in a whorl just touch one another at the margin, without overlapping, the aestivation is said to be:

1. Valvate 2. Twisted
3. Imbricate 4. Vexillary
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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Imbricate aestivation of floral parts is seen in:

1. Calotropis 2. Cassia
3. China rose 4. Lady’s finger
Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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In papilionaceous aestivation:
1. standard overlaps the wings that overlap the keel
2. standard overlaps the keel that overlaps the wings
3. wings overlap the standard that overlaps the keel
4. keel overlaps the wings that overlap the standard

Subtopic:  Flower & Parts of Flower |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.