Calyx in the form of pappus is found in 
1. Cotton 
2. China rose 
3. Tobacco 
4. Disc floret of sunflower 

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In which flower stamens are syngenesious i.e., anthers are fused and filaments are free from each other is observed? 
1. Ray florets of sunflower 
2. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 
3. Disc florets of sunflower 
4. Neutral florets of sunflower 
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Fruit is called caryopsis in the members of the family:
1. Poaceae 
2. Malvaceae 
3. Fabaceae 
4. Compositae 
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(A) Pentacarpellary gynoecium. 
(B) Monadelphous androecium with numerous stamens. 
(C) Locule has one to numerous ovule in the gynoecium 
Consider the above characteristics and choose the flower which shows them:
1. Triticum                                                        
2. Oryza sativa
3. Gossypium                                                   
4. Chrysanthemum 
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When calyx and corolla cannot be differentiated from each other, it is known as:
1. Staminate
2. Pistillate
3. Perianth 
4. Peduncle
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When the anthers are fused with one another but filaments are free, this condition of stamen is known as:
1. Adnate 
2. Versatile 
3. Syngenesious 
4. Dorsifixed
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Lodicules are considered as equivalent to:
1. Perianth 
2. Sterile stamen 
3. Stipule 
4. Epicalyx
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Tetramerous flowers having bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary which is unilocular in the beginning, but becomes bilocular later, owing to the formation of pseudoseptum called replum are the salient features of the family:
1. Leguminosae 
2. Malvaceae 
3. Solanaceae
4. Cruciferae
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Calyx is often modified into a pappus and syngenesious stamens. These are characteristic features of the family:
1. Malvaceae 
2. Compositae
3. Caesalpinioideae
4. Liliaceae
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Given below are two statements: 
Statement I Spikelet is the unit of inflorescence in the family-Gramineae and consists of a short axis called rachilla.
Statement II: In Gramineae family, caryopsis is a very small, dry, one-seeded fruit, which develops from a monocarpellary ovary and pericarp is fused with seed coat.

In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
1. Statement I is incorrect, but statement II is correct 
2. Both statement I and II are correct 
3. Both statement I and II are incorrect 
4. Statement I is correct, but statement II is incorrect 
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