If the radius of 2713Al2713Al nucleus is taken to be RAl,RAl, then the radius of 12553Te12553Te nucleus is near:
1. (5313)13 RAl(5313)13 RAl
2. 53 RAl53 RAl
3. 35 RAl35 RAl
4. (1353) RAl(1353) RAl
The Binding energy per nucleon of 73Li73Li and 42He42He nucleon are 5.60 MeV5.60 MeV and 7.06 MeV7.06 MeV, respectively. In the nuclear reaction 73Li+11H→42He+42He+Q73Li+11H→42He+42He+Q, the value of energy QQ released is:
1. 19.6 MeV19.6 MeV
2. −2.4 MeV−2.4 MeV
3. 8.4 MeV8.4 MeV
4. 17.3 MeV17.3 MeV
1. | decrease continuously with mass number. |
2. | first decreases and then increases with an increase in mass number. |
3. | first increases and then decreases with an increase in mass number. |
4. | increases continuously with mass number. |
If the nuclear radius of 27Al27Al is 3.63.6 Fermi, the approximate nuclear radius of 64Cu64Cu in Fermi is:
1. 2.42.4
2. 1.21.2
3. 4.84.8
4. 3.63.6
The power obtained in a reactor using U235U235 disintegration is 1000 kW1000 kW. The mass decay of U235U235 per hour is approximately equal to:
1. 20 μg20 μg
2. 40 μg40 μg
3. 1 μg1 μg
4. 10 μg10 μg
1. | atoms get ionized at high temperature |
2. | kinetic energy is high enough to overcome the Coulomb repulsion between nuclei |
3. | molecules break up at high temperature |
4. | nuclei break up at high temperature |
A nucleus mnXmnX emits one α-particleα-particle and two β-particleβ-particle The resulting nucleus is:
1. | m−6nZm−6nZ | 2. | m−4nXm−4nX |
3. | m−4n−2Ym−4n−2Y | 4. | m−6n−4Zm−6n−4Z |
The mass of a Li7373Li nucleus is 0.042 u0.042 u less than the sum of the masses of all its nucleons. The binding energy per nucleon of the Li7373Li nucleus is near:
1. 4.6 MeV4.6 MeV
2. 5.6 MeV5.6 MeV
3. 3.9 MeV3.9 MeV
4. 23 MeV23 MeV
The binding energy per nucleon in deuterium and helium nuclei are 1.11.1 MeV and 7.07.0 MeV, respectively. When two deuterium nuclei fuse to form a helium nucleus the energy released in the fusion is:
1. 2.22.2 MeV
2. 28.028.0 MeV
3. 30.230.2 MeV
4. 23.623.6 MeV