1. are marine animals and have cartilaginous endoskeleton
2. have a mouth located dorsally
3. have teeth that are modified cycloid or ctenoid scales directed backwardly
4. have the capacity to regulate their body temperature
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Which of the following is not a cartilaginous fish?

1. Saw fish 2. Dog fish
3. Sea horse 4. Sting ray
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

What would not be true regarding cartilaginous fishes?
1. In males, pelvic fins bear claspers
2. Some of them have electric organs [Torpedo]
3. None of them is viviparous
4. Some possess poison sting [Trygon]
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


Identify the incorrect statement regarding bony fishes:
I: They have four pairs of gills which are covered by an operculum on each side.
II: Due to the absence of air bladder, they have to swim constantly to avoid sinking.
III: Skin is covered with placoid scales.
IV: Mouth is mostly terminal.
1. Only II 2. Only II and III
3. Only I and IV 4. Only IV
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Which of the following is not a bony fish?
1. Angel fish 2. Flying fish
3. Star fish 4. Fighting fish
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.

Exocoetus, Labeo, Clarias and Pterophyllum are all:
1. endotherms 2. marine fishes
3. protochordates 4. bony fishes
Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.


The structure marked as ‘S’ in the given diagram helps bony fishes in:

1. Oxygenation of blood
2. Achieving neutral buoyancy
3. Increasing absorptive surface area for food
4. Protection of the nerve cord

Subtopic:  Comparative study of Cartilagenous & Bony Fishes |

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