Consider the given statements:
I. A homosporous life history occurs in nearly all bryophytes and in most pteridophytes.
II. A heterosporous life history occurs in some pteridophytes and in all seed plants.
III. Heterosporous pteridophytes, unlike their homosporous counterparts, lack archegonia, antheridia, and motile flagellate sperm.
IV. The seed plants completely lack antheridia.

The correct statements include:
1. Only I, II and III
2. Only I, II and IV
3. Only II, III and IV
4. I, II, III and IV

Subtopic:  Pteridophytes: Heterospory |
Please attempt this question first.
Please attempt this question first.

What is true regarding the seed plants?
1. A film of water is necessary for sperm to come in contact with eggs.
2. The sporophyte is large, and the gametophyte is small and independent.
3. The gametophyte is reduced and dependent on the sporophyte.
4. The spore is the main means of dispersing the offspring.

Subtopic:  Life Cycle Patterns in Plants (OLD NCERT) |
Please attempt this question first.

Sexual reproduction of Spirogyra is an advanced feature as it shows
1. Different sizes of motile sex organs
2. Same size of motile sex organs
3. Morphologically different sex organs
4. Physiologically different sex organs

Subtopic:  Algae |

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Rather than having true roots, stems and leaves the members of Phaeophyceae have root like holdfast, stem like stipe and leaf like fronds. What will be true for these structures?

I. Holdfasts are not the primary organs for water and nutrient uptake.
II. In brown algae like Fucus, the tissues in stipe include a central pith, a surrounding cortex and an outer epidermis.
III. Gas filled floats called pnematocysts provide buoyancy in many brown algae.

1. I and II only
2. I and III only
3. II and III only
4. I, II and III

Subtopic:  Pheophyceae: Brown Algae |

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What would be true for the structure labeled with letter ‘X’ in the given diagram showing the ultrastructure of Chlamydomanas?


1. It is the region of the chloroplast where circular DNA is present
2. It is associated with the operation of a carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM)
3. It is the inclusion body with accumulated toxic wastes for elimination
4. It is filled with air and is responsible for buoyancy of the organism

Subtopic:  Chlorophyceae: Green Algae |

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Seed plants are source of some very important medicines for humans. Identify the pair where the drug in Column I is not correctly matched with its source seed plant in Column II:












Belladonna plant




Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

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Consider the given two statements:
I. The term ‘archegonium’ is not used for megagametophytes, angiosperms and gnetophytes.
II. The sperms are delivered by means of a pollen tube in these plants.

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
3. I is true but II is false
4. Both I and II are false

Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

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Consider the given two statements:

I. The term ‘embryophytes’ is an appropriate synonym for plants.
II. The occurrence of a multicellular, matrotrophic embryo in plants from bryophytes through angiosperms.

1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are incorrect but II does not explain I
3. I is correct but II is incorrect
4. Both I and II are incorrect

Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

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All the following regarding resemblances of Gnetum with angiosperms are true except:
1. Presence of true vessels in secondary wood
2. Only one integument surrounding the ovule
3. Perianth in both male and female flowers
4. Absence of archegonia

Subtopic:  General Account of Angiosperms (OLD NCERT) |

To unlock all the explanations of this course, you need to be enrolled.



The bryophytes liverworts are so named as they are an example of:
1. a plant that causes warts
2. a plant that cures liver diseases
3. the Doctrine of Signatures
4. a plant that causes warts, cures liver diseases and is an example of Doctrine of Signatures

Subtopic:  Bryophytes (Liverworts) |

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