Match the hydrocarbons in Column I with the boiling points given in Column II.

A. n-Pentane 1. 282.5 K
B. Isopentane 2. 309 K
C. Neopentane 3. 301 K


Options: A B C
1. 2 3 1
2. 1 2 3
3. 2 1 3
4. 3 2 1
Hint: Boiling point inversely proportional to the branching in the molecule
In hydrocarbon as branching increases in the molecule, the boiling point of hydrocarbon decreases in comparable molecular masses.
The data is given below:

Column I

Column II

A. n-pentane

309 K due to no branch

B. iso-pentane

301 K due to one branch

C. neo-pentane

282.5 K due to two branches