In 1953 SL Miller created primitive earth conditions in the laboratory and gave experimental evidence for origin of first form of life from pre-existing non-living organic molecules. The primitive earth conditions created include
1. | low temperature, volcanic storms, atmosphere rich in oxygen |
2. | low temperature, volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere |
3. | high temperature , volcanic storms, non-reducing atmosphere |
4. | high temperature , volcanic storms, reducing atmosphere containing CH4, NH3 etc. |
The Miller -Uregy experiment tested for the occurrence of chemical eveolution by stimulating hypothetical conditions present on early earth
These primitive earth conditions include high temperature, volcanic stroms and reducing environment containing methane (CH4) ammonia (NH3) hydrogen (H2) and water (H2O)
They ultimeately found that a large number of simple orgainc comounds including some amino acids such as alacyine and aspartic acid can be synthesised in into as during chemical origin of life.
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