This bile duct (from gall bladder and liver) and the pancreatic duct (from pancreas) releases pancreatic juice and bile into. the duodenum through the common hepato-pancreatic duct which is guarded by a sphincter called sphincter of Oddi.
The pancreatic juice contains inactive enzymes, i.e., trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, amylase, lipases and nucleases.
The action of hepato-pancreatic secretion on digestion on carbohydrate, proteins and fats are summarised below
(i) Carbohydrates in the chyme are hydrolysed by pancreatic amylase into disaccharides.
Polysaccharides (starch) Disaccharides
(ii) Fats are broken down by lipases with the help of bile into di and monoglycerides.
Triglycerides Emulsified triglycerids Diglycerides Monoglycerides
(iii) Proteins in the chyme reaching the intestine are acted upon by the proteolytic enzymes of pancreatic juice.
Peptones Dipeptides