Q. 17 Which of the following type of ecosystem is expected in an area where evaporation exceeds precipitation, and mean annual rainfall is below 100mm
1. Grassland
2. Shrubby forest
3. Desert
4. Mangrove
Ans. (c) In true desert biome rainfall is less than 100mm/year, characterized by extremely hot days and cold nights, Evaporation from true desert always exceeds 7-50 times the precipitation (rainfall). The Desert ecosystem of biomes is more in the Northern hem' sphere than the Southern hemisphere.
Whereas the Grassland ecosystem receives medium rainfall ranging from 25-75 cm/yr, but the evaporation rate is not higher than the precipitation rate.
The shrubby forest receives rainfall 90 — 150 cm/yr,
Mangrove forests receive annual rainfall ranging from 100 — 150 cm/yr. Thus, their options are wrong.
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