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Match the activity given in Column I with the type of pollution created by it given in Column II.

Column I


Column II


A. Releasing gases to the atmosphere after burning waste material containing Sulphur

1. Water pollution

B. Using carbamates as pesticides

2. Photochemical smog, damage to plant life, corrosion to building material, induce breathing problems, water pollution

C. Using synthetic detergents for washing clothes

3. Damaging ozone layer

D. Releasing gases produced by automobiles and factories in the atmosphere

4. May cause nerve disease in human

E. Using chlorofluorocarbon compounds for cleaning computer parts

5. Classical smog, acid rain, water pollution, induce breathing problems, damage to buildings, corrosion of metals


Options:  A   B   C   D   E 
1. 2 3 4 1 5
2. 1 2 3 5 4
3. 5 4 1 2 3
4. 4 5 3 2 1


A.(5) B.(4) C.(1) D.(2) E.(3)
A. Classical smog, acid rain, water pollution, induce breathing problems, damage to buildings, corrosion of metals.
B. May cause nerve disease in human.
C. Water pollution.
D. Photochemical smog, damage to plant life, corrosion to building material, induce breating problems, water pollution.
E. Damaging ozone layer