Which of the following compounds are aromatic according to Huckekl's rule?

A. The compound has 8π electrons. It will be non-aromatic. Both rings are non-benzenoid.
B. The compound is aromatic. It has 6πe- delocalised electron (4πe-+2 lone pair electrons), all the four carbon atoms and the N atom are sp2 hybridised.
C. The compound contains 6π electrons but not in the ring hence it is non-aromatic.
D. 10πe- obeying Huckel rule and the ring is planar. It is aromatic.
E. In this compound one six membered planar ring has 6πe- although it has 8π electrons in two rings. It is therefore aromatic.
F. It has 14π electrons in conjugation and in the planar ring, Huckel rule is verified. It will be aromatic.