A new system of units is proposed in which the unit of mass is a kg, unit of length β m, and unit of time γ s. How much will 5 J measure in this new system?

Hint: Use the principle of conversion of units.
Step 1: Find the dimensions of energy.

We know that dimension of energy =[ML2T2]Let M1, L1, T1 and M2, L2, T2 are units of mass, length, and time in given two systems.

M1=1 kg, L1=1 m, T1=1 secM2=α kg, L2=β m, T2=γ sec

Step 2: Use the conversion of units.

The magnitude of a physical quantity remains the same, whatever be the system of units of its measurement i.e.,  nu1=n2u2


Thus, a new unit of energy will be γ2αβ2.