Consider an ideal gas with the following distribution of speeds.

Speed (m/s) % of molecules
200 10
400 20
600 40
800 20
1000 10

(a) Calculate vrms and hence T. (m=3.0×10-26kg)

(b) If all the molecules with a speed of 100 m/s escape from the system, calculate the new vrms and hence T. 

Hint: The total energy of the molecules depends on the temperature of the gas.
Step 1: Find the RMS speed and temperature of the gas in case 1.
(a) We know that, vrms2=nivi2ni
This is the RMS speed for all molecules collectively.
     =408×1000=639 m/s
Now, according to the kinetic theory of gasses, 12mvrms2=32kBT
[KB= Boltzmann constant, m = mass of gaseous molecules]
                                              =2.96×102K=296 K
Step 2: Find the RMS speed and temperature of the gas in case 2.
(b) If all the molecules with speed 1000 m/s escape, then,
      =10000×3089=342×1000 m2/s2
 vrms=584 m/s
Again,                T=13mvrms2kB
=247.8=248 K