If a proton had a radius R and the charge was uniformly distributed, calculate using Bohr theory, the ground state energy of a H-atom when (i) R=0.1 Å and (ii) R=10 Å.

Hint: The electrostatic force of attraction between positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons (Coulombian force) provides necessary centripetal force of revolution.
Step 1: Find the value of the Bohr radius.
By Bohr's postulates in the ground state, we have; 
On solving,
h24π2m·4πε0e2=rB=0.51Å            [This is Bohr's radius]
Step 2: Find the potential energy and kinetic energy.
The potential energy is given by;
KE=mv22=12m·h24π2m2rB2=h8π2mrB2=+13.6 eV
Now, for a spherical nucleus of radius R.
Step 3: Find the value of the Bohr radius for R.
If R<rB, same result.
If R>>rB, the electron moves inside the sphere with radius r'B (r'B=new Bohr radius).
Charge inside r'B=e(r'B3R3)
r'B4=(0.51Å)·R3            [R=10Å]
Step 4: Find the potential energy and kinetic energy for R.
=(h28π2mrB2)·(rB2r'B2)=(13.6 eV)(0.51)2(510)1/2=3.5422.6=0.16 eV
=+(27.2eV)·-1411000=-3.83 eV