An element X (At. wt = 80 g/mol) having F.C.C structure, calculate no. of unit cells in 8 gm of X.
(1) 0.4 x NA
(2) 0.1 x NA
(3) 4x NA
(4) none of these
Molybdenum (At. wt= 96g mol-1) crystallizers as bcc crystal. lf density of crystal is 10.3 g/cm3, then radius of Mo atom is (use NA = 6 × 1023) :
(1) 111 Pm
(2) 314 Pm
(3) 135.96 Pm
(4) none of these
The atomic radius of strontium (Sr) is 215 pm and it crystallizes with a cubic closest packing. Edge length of the cube is:
(1) 430 Pm
(2) 608.2 Pm
(3) 496.53 Pm
(4) none of these
By X-ray diffraction it is found that nickel (at mass = 59 g mol-1), crystallizes with ccp. The edge length of the unit cell is 3.5 0A. lf density of Ni crystal is 9.0 g/cm3. Then value of Avogadro's number from the data is :
(1) 6.05 × 1023
(2) 6.11 × 1023
(3) 6.02 × 1023
(4) 6.023 × 1023
Which one of the following schemes of ordering closed packed sheets of equal sized spheres do not generate closest packed lattice?
ln a cubic unit cell, seven of the eight corners are occupied by atoms A and centres of Faces are occupied by atoms B. The general formula of the compound is :
(1) A7B6
(2) A7B12
(3) A7B24
(4) A24B7
An alloy of copper, silver and gold is found to have copper constituting the ccp lattice .lf silver atoms occupy the edge centres and gold is present at body centre, the alloy will have the formula:
(1) Cu4
(4) CuAgAu
Select the incorrect statement:
(1) Stoichiometry of crystal remains uneffected due to Schottky defect
(2) Frenkel defect is usually shown by ionic compounds having low coordination number
(3) F-centres generation is responsible factor for imparting the colour to the crystal
(4) Density of crystal always increases due to substitutional impurity defect
ln diamond, carbon atom occupy fcc lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids,
edge length of the unit cell is 356 pm, then diameter of carbon atom is:
(1) 77.07 pm
(2) 154.14 pm
(3) 251.7 pm
(4) 89 pm
When NaCI is dopped with 10 mole % of SrCl, what is the no. of cationic vacancies?
(1) 10
The composition of a sample of Wustite is FeO. What is the percentage of iron present in Fe in total iron?
(1) 15.05%
(2) 25%
(3) 35%
(4) 45%
A certain sample of cuprous sulphide is found to have composition Cu1.8S because of
incorporation of Cu ions in the lattice. What is the mole % of Cu in total copper content in this crystal?
(1) 99.8%
(2) 11.11%
(3) 88.88%
(4) None of these
ln an atomic bcc, what fraction of edge is not covered by atoms?
(1) 0.32
(2) 0.16
(3) 0.134
(4) 0.268
An atomic solid crystallizes in a body centre cubic lattice and the inner surface of the atoms at the adjacent corner are separated by 60.3 Pm. lf the atomic weight of
A is 48, then density of the solid , is nearly:
(1) 2.7 g/cc
(2) 5.07 g/cc
(3) 3.5 g/cc
(4) 1.75 g/cc
Sodium (Na = 23) crystallises in bcc arrangement with the interfacial separation between the atoms at the edge 53.6 pm. The density of sodium crystal is;
(1) 2.07 g/cc
(2) 2.46 g/cc
(3) 1.19 g/cc
(4) none of these
If the anions (A) from hexagonal closest packing and cations (C) occupy only 2/3 octahedral voids in it, then the general formula of the compound is:
(1) CA
(2) CA2
(3) C2A3
(4) C3A2
A body centered cubic lattice is made up of hollow spheres of B. Spheres of solid A are present in hollow spheres of B. Radius of A is half of radius of B. What is the ratio of total volume of spheres of B unoccupied by A in a unit cell and volume of unit cell?
(4) None of these
When heated above 916C, iron changes its bcc crystalline form to fcc without the change in the radius of atom. The ratio of density of the crystal before heating and after heating is:
(1) 1.069
(2) 0.918
(3) 0.725
TlAl(SO4)2.xH2O is bcc with 'a'=1.22 nm. If the density of the solid is 2.32 g/cc, then the value of x is (Given : NA=61023; at. wt. : Tl=204, Al = 27, S=32).
(1) 2
(2) 4
(3) 47
(4) 70
The packing efficiency of a simple cubic crystal with an interstitial atom exactly fitting at the body center is:
(1) 0.48
(2) 0.52
(3) 0.73
(4) 0.91